Often the solution is simply to move the Syscomp instrument COM port assignment to a higher-numbered port, as we did above in moving a device from COM8 to COM17. In more difficult cases, it may be necessary to identify the offending device or driver and manually remove the driver files. Var.experiment.serialport.write(chr(1)) Here is where I ran into the error: SerialException: Attempting to use a port that is not open If I remove the line 'var.experiment.cleanupfunctions.append(var.serialport.close)' and place it as inline script at the end of the experiment, then the whole experiment will run but will give the error.

in Ganglion
I'm trying to connect the ganglion to my laptop (Windows 7) where I want to stream and parse the EEG directly in Matlab (I don't want to use LSL).

I have tried to get my laptop to connect with the ganglion, but it doesn't discover it.
I am using a CSR 4.0 dongle and I have downloaded and installed the CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack from this link:
The installation was successful and I got the following driver installation messages.
Bluetooth SPP Driver (COM18) - ready to use

However, when I try to discover and connect with the board, I doesn't show up when the laptop scans for it.
I have checked, and using the nRF Connect app on an Android phone, it discovers the board no problem.
I don't want to use the zadig tool as that does the opposite of what I want. I wish to be able to find my ganglion in the control panel, so I can write code in Matlab to connect to the COM port.
According to http://openbci.com/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/918/ganglion-and-windows-7
After installing the 'CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack', it should show up in the bluetooth devices.... which it doesn't!

On a side note, looking at OpenBCI_Ganglion_Library.cpp, in the initialize section, I see that the SPI communication is set up, but there is also serial setup with baudrate specs, etc.
I'm still a novice with communication protocols as my background is DSP, but can someone explain the communication?



AMIJ DSCDMA Command Port (COM17) Driver

Amij Ds Cdma Command Port (com17) Driver Windows 10

  • Hi @mark.o.s,

    I think you could stream and parse the EEG directly in Matlab with the Cyton board without the use of LSL. Is it right?

    If yes, could you share with me how you did it? I am struggling to read the EEG from my Cyton board to Matlab. I did try LSL and used Python to make a connection. I could actually open the port for streaming using Python commands. However, when I try to run sample Matlab .m files (e.g., vis_tream), Matlab just keeps busy when calling the function lsl_resolve_all() to find the streams.
  • edited July 2017
    I have a Ganglion board. The OpenBCI GUI works very well and I am also using a CSR 4.0 dongle and I have downloaded and installed the CSR Harmony Wireless Software Stack.
    My problem is that the stream in python doesn't start.
    Anyone who has already used this repository successfully would like to help me?
    Attached image of Command Prompt and Device Manager.

  • Hi mark,
    I am facing same issue as you.
    i just want to know if you have sorted out the issue

  • Excuse me if my answer is late. I can say about it is that the Ganglion Board does not have an FTDI chip that allows receiving data using Python and COM Ports.
    If you want to redirect the data from OpenBCI GUI to MATLAB, you could use the LSL Protocol.
    Good wishes to you.

  • Thanks Cristhain for reply
    yeah Ganglion supported dongle does not support communication through com ports
    so now i am using node to establish connection but i am facing difficulties
    if you know what are these, here is my discussion

  • Have you tried to stream OpenBCI Ganglion data through the Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) using OpenBCI GUI with Processing?